And I've been asked this many times over today.. What's my birthday wish?
And I either say, "too many to write down" or.. "what more could I ask for?"
But why do I feel this? It suddenly just struck me. The downside of having a birthday... you reflect on just about everything: the past, the present, the future. I spoke to a good friend earlier, and I feel like the phone just melted. Regardless, it was something I needed because I can't always resort to my blog or to that one person. Likewise I don't really blog about my personal life... the numero uno reason on why I even re-vamped this site but I don't see it going in that direction. Maybe it's time I break out of my shell and say what I want to say and feel what I want to feel, regardless of who's watching or reading. Perhaps I should start invading some comfort zones and broach subjects that aren't meant to be talked about or record moments that I would normally want to erase forever. Whatever I decide to do, this blog will contain it all; after all, I'm sure I'll be doing this same type of reflecting six years down the line. Anyway I do like bloggers who occasionally speak about themselves, personally. I love writers who open up about their little: quirks, traits, and idiosyncrasies. And I think I should too given that none of my "really" close acquaintances know of this blog.
So what's this emptiness I feel? I don't have the slightest idea. But there IS something missing.
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