So my birthday has come around yet again. I can hardly believe it. Somehow, I’ve marked 25 lighting-quick years on this earth which seems to have whizzed past. Over this year I've grown immensely as a person- done things that I never thought about doing, been through a fair chunk personal wise, and I can honestly say I'd be nowhere without my friends new and old. So thank you, to the most important people in my life.
Birthdays are a time for celebration of course, for me I like to take them nice and quietly. I’m not big into parties and so on and usually opt for the indulgence option. Taking time for myself on that day, and spending them with close friends. Something else had been planned tomorrow, but I'm still looking forward to going to it all the same. And since I haven't gone out to club in awhile, I think birthdays make good alibis to go there [I'm a night person but clubs doesn't really go on on my Top 10 list]
I'm looking forward to this year. As I venture into my late-twenties/almost-thirties (?!), I do believe that I’m more comfortable with myself. I try to enjoy myself everyday… whether it’s just talking to "that" someone, cuddling with the Princess, getting a big hug from "that" someone or singing in the shower… I try. I’m not always successful but you can’t knock a girl for trying.
So to anyone else that has a birthday today – the best birthday out of the entire year, mind you – HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. I hope you enjoy yourself today and carry the birthday celebration into the weekend. Just don’t party too hard – because no one really likes worshipping the porcelain god.
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