So I really have only been working, watching movies with Geeno and the Kevinsan, lounging with them and doing things here and there. My sleep-wake schedule has become really bad though. Sometimes I can't even fall sleep out of shear exhaustion. *tear, I know
Well I've seen "Inception," which I think was certainly mind-bending. Some parts are simply too obscure to comprehend. It isn't a bad movie, but I could never sit through it again. Let's just say, it's probably a movie that needs to be seen more than once to understand the entire plot.
What else.? Oh, Ip Man and Open Grave last night with the two buds. Pretty decent I must say. What else what else.... Working a twelve hour shift Thursday and Friday nights. Freaken exhausting, it's been awhile since I last did a twelve. But sometimes your passion speaks for you and you forget about those "other things." ^^ So that was basically my entire week. Oh and of course the "heavy housekeeping" today O_o Then tomorrow, heading out with a hella lot to do. And finally, my big chunk of news. I got another job thing that happened today but I can't really say what it is because I don't wanna jinx it. lol. But I am SO pumped for at least even getting a response from them! *woow*
ANYWAY. This week has been good overall. It's always nice to be busy and stressed out and then go out to meet your friends and just have one helluvah good time ^_^ I don't know how well blogging is going to go for the next couple days. But I will try to check back when I can. So I must leave you now and probably should hit the hay. Au Revoir!
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