Leo (July 23rd-Aug. 22nd)
You’ve got it going on this week, so don’t waste it. And don’t ask us what “it” is — if we knew what “it” was, do you think we’d still be here peddling horoscopes? No, we’d bottle it and become millionaires and you’d have to pay $200 an hour to hear what we think about the stars. Until then, use your “it” wisely: Pick up the damn phone and make a date — or at least have really steamy phone sex.
......Err.. no words. Definitely. lol ^^
My horoscope today according to Glamour -
Get your work done early, especially your home chores. If you're involved with someone, or interested in someone -- platonically or romantically -- you shouldn't count on getting much done this afternoon. You're only able to hold out for so long before you start secretly planning how to 'accidentally' bump into them. When that happens, you're pleasantly surprised to learn that someone else had that in mind as well.
.. Okay. I think now I'm convinced.lol Did they have to say "platonically or romantically?" =)
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