So, here I sit infront of my laptop punching keys to tell the world how the forte of my Sundays usually are. It's not very often that I wake up at 530AM on a Sunday so I think I'll just blab about how lazy these days are. God rested on the last day after he had worked hard to create the world in six days, so says the holy scriptures. Surely that’s the way it should be for anybody; relaxation and rejuvenation after six days of work. For me sunday is a family day where we typically spend breakfast, lunch and dinner together. On normal days, we don't spend them dining together because everyone has this retarded schedule. The church, eating out, TV, the computer and rest were always our Sunday’s forte. Its a time we connect with our crazy paraphernalias.LOL I on the other hand, would usually spend it gawking at my piano keys, hours of listening to my favorite music, and in cases like today, reflecting and fantasizing in something. Now that I'm currently not working, I just like to spend Sunday building castles in the air, getting boat rides, sky diving, surfing, and all those magical stuff that you see only in When I was a kid, I didn't like being taken to the church so much. As I grew up, I came to like attending masses because my childhood best friend Jane and I would frequently spend it together and I always look forward to our "after-mass" spree: eating, shopping, walking around, getting stalked by weird crazy-ass Arabs(I do not speak in general). THIS seriously happens each time and when I say EACH time, I am not And now, I still look forward to Sunday masses because I think this is the time where I am able to reflect and thank the Lord for all His blessings. I am not a religious person but I believe I'm happier when I am able to dedicate an hour of my time thanking Him.
So who knows what course life will take and what the years (howsoever many there may be) will bring. Maybe many Sundays might be spent working (surely! Nurses are out of bounds to almost ANY Holiday! ugh) and God forbid but who knows the future. I’ll probably even get married on a Sunday and surely I’d want a relaxed, cool, non-crazy ceremony for the same. I’ll probably spend some Sundays doing crazy stuff, long rides, playing with my kids or even grand-kids but whatever I do, I’d surely want my Sundays to be fun-days. So enjoy yours and may you have a blessed Sunday!
(Doesn't this picture just capture your heart?)
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