And it's a beeyootiful day and the suns out!
Anyhowss. Rewind.
Just feel like blabbing about my wonderful boy-friend/bestfriend because it's my blog and I can blab about whatever the hell I want. What could be more perfect than someone who swears at you and you both name-call all day long? Never, have I been on such position and he sure is asking for a verbal war and a kick in the groin, but whatevs. I always let him off the hook I dont know why the hell I dooo. So anyway. We spent almost half the day together yesterday and he's been annoying me non stop about this wish I have and like challenged me to this word game we've been playing. LOL Retard thinks he's better than me haha pfft! He is determined to thrash my score but he will nevuhhhh succeed. Fagget :P BUT, I like that he plays even though he's complaining of a headache *claps*
K gotta go hit the books. I'm procrastinating again.
Oh oh. By the way, before anyone thinks he's an a$$ for the swearing and name-calling, w-ell. We're just friends (?)
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